Accessibility Policy


The Patenters is committed to diversity, inclusion and
accessibility for persons with disabilities.


This policy describes how The Patenters works with its employees as well as
how it provides its programs, goods and services in a manner that
respects the dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity
of persons with disabilities.


Assistive devices

The Patenters permits persons with disabilities to use their personal assistive
devices while on the The Patenters premises.


The Patenters is committed to communicating with persons with disabilities in
ways that take into account their disability.

Service animals and support persons

The Patenters welcomes onto its premises service animals and support persons
upon whom persons with disabilities rely. The Patenters will advise the parties

as soon as possible about any costs they will incur associated with
having the support person.

Notice of temporary disruption

The Patenters will notify persons with disabilities promptly in the event of a
planned or unexpected disruption to services or facilities. This notice
will be provided in accessible formats.

Training of employees

The Patenters will provide training to all of its employees and volunteers
regarding the provisions and ways to ensure accessible programs,
goods, services and workplace.

Training will occur on an ongoing basis and whenever changes
are made to relevant policies, practices and procedures.


To request accommodation or assistance for any program, good or
service, contact The Patenters by phone or email.
Feedback process
The Patenters encourages feedback regarding how it provides programs, goods
and services to persons with disabilities. This can be provided via the
following methods:

  • E-mail: [email protected]
  • Mail: Hativat Etsiony 119, Carmiel 29126, Israel
  • Phone: +97249512449
  • Fax: 95149970125

    Modifications to this or other policies
    The Patenters is committed to ensuring that its policies, practices and
    procedures are consistent with and promote the core principles of
    dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity. Any The Patenters policy that does not respect and promote the dignity and
    independence of persons with disabilities will be modified or removed.

Effective Date: June 2017

Scheduled Review Date: June 2018
Supersedes: All previous Policies and/or Statements
Approved by: Howard Teff

Policies can be established or altered only by the Board: Procedures may be altered by the CEO.

DISCLAIMER: While all care has been taken in the preparation of this material, no responsibility is accepted by the author(s) its staff,
or partners, for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies. The material provided in this resource has been prepared to provide general
information only. It is not intended to be relied upon or be a substitute for legal or other professional advice. No responsibility can be
accepted by the author(s) or its partners for any known or unknown consequences that may result from reliance on any information
provided in this publication.